Parents’ Association Overview

Scoil Bhríde Parents’ Association Constitution

International research has shown that when parents are involved in their child’s educational life, their children achieve better outcomes through their school years.

Most schools have a Parents’ Association (PA) which is the formal way parents can get involved in their child’s school. The Parents’ Association may organise social activities for parents and children, and these can be an excellent way to get to know other parents and find out more about the school.

  • All parents/ guardians of children attending Scoil Bhríde are automatically members of the Parents’ Association.
  • Parents are elected each year to Officer roles at the Annual General Meeting, held in September.
  • Officer roles are held by a parent for no more than 3 years:
    • Chairperson – oversees the goals of the Parents’ Association and prepares for the meetings, liaises with the school.
    • Secretary – drafts meeting agenda, prepares all of the communication and messages to the committee. Coordinates all activities.
    • Minutes Secretary – Takes meeting notes, prepares meeting minutes and circulates them to the committee, Teacher representative & Principal.
    • Treasurer – records all income and expenditure, manages receipts, prepares financial statements for every meeting and AGM, manages committee account in the credit union.

The Scoil Bhríde Parents’ Association also operates a ‘Helpers’ list. This is a list of parents who do not participate in the committee but have volunteered to assist from time to time, based on their availability. Many hands make light work!

The Scoil Bhríde Parents’ Association supports many activities throughout the school year by providing funding and volunteers to help at events or celebrations.

First Communion & Confirmation

The Parents’ Association organise tea/coffee in Parish Centre on information night for parents of First Communion children.

  • Prepare and decorate the school hall prior to First Communion parties.
  • Provide tea/coffee and celebration cake for the First Communion parties.

The Parents’ Association of both Clane national schools share funding of flowers in church for the First Communion & Confirmation ceremonies.

Christmas Activities

The Parents’ Association organises and fund entertainment for Christmas celebrations in school:

  • Santa’s visit to the school is organised by the committee.
  • A gift for each classroom is organised in consultation with teachers (e.g. educational games and dolls/ playdoh etc for younger children).
  • The gifts are wrapped and presented to the class and each child receives a small Christmas chocolate or sweet treat.

6th Class Graduation & Yearbook

• Preparation of the Graduation yearbook which is presented to children at the Graduation Ceremony
• Organise set-up and catering for the Graduation party in the school

Staff Appreciation Lunch

This takes place in June as a thank you for all the staff’s hard work during the year.

  • Volunteers provide various dishes for the lunch which is set up in the staff room.

Summer Ice-Cream Van

  • The Parents’ Association contribute towards the cost of the end of year treat for all the pupils and staff.

Other Activities

Other needs or opportunities may arise during the year, and this is brought to the attention of the committee at the monthly meetings.

Join Us!

If you would like to join the Parents’ Association Committee or help with some of the activities/events organised by the Parents’ Association, we would love to hear from you. You can either email the Parents’ Association or speak to any member of the committee.

Volunteering to help does not require a significant time commitment. Parents can help based on their availability, even for just 1-2 hours per year.

Note: All volunteers working with the PA must be Garda Vetted.

Contact us: Scoil Bhríde Clane Parents Association

Monthly Meetings

  • The Monthly Meeting of the Scoil Bhríde Parents’ Association is held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. All meetings are held on-line to make it easier for everyone to manage family commitments. Meetings generally run for 30-45 minutes.
  • The Annual General Meeting is held in-person in the school sports hall. The Annual General Meeting is held in late September or early October. The Parents’ Association often invite a guest speaker to come speak on a topic of interest to the parent body e.g. Online Safety.