Room 14 – Ms Shine

The girls all dressed up in fabulous Halloween costumes and we went on a "Witchy Walk" around the school!

We marked Maths Week with a Maths trail on the school premises.

We made "Phones" in class and tested out making calls to our classmates!

and had a fun Pyjama day!

Colour Mixing in Art

The girls made helicopters and compared the speed of both big and small. Great fun was had!

They designed amazing rockets too!

December was a very busy month. We did lots of Christmas Art:

dressed up in winter woollies...

more Art....

and had a special visitor from The North Pole!

not forgetting the Christmas markets!

The girls learned about Mardi Gras and designed their own masks for Carnival!

The girls learned all about Ancient Egypt and researched lots of interesting facts for projects which they presented to the class.

They created amazing Egyptian burial chambers with lots of necessities and luxuries for The Afterlife!

We celebrated World Book Day on the 7th March and the girls dressed up as characters from their favourite books!

The girls made beautiful jewellery boxes for all the Mammies for Mothers day.