Room 5 – Ms Mac Glinchey

We are delighted to be back in school and are looking forward to a fun and productive year. 

Check out our first art project on self-portraits. We reflected on our individual interests and what makes each one of us unique. 

The start of the year is a good time for us to stop and reflect on our goals and hopes for the coming year. It was very interesting to listen to the different things each of us identified that we wanted to work on this year.

We took these reflections and created our own prayers for the coming year.

Mrs Harney kindly arranged for Sarah Myers from the Heritage in Schools programme to give us a talk on our local historical landmark - Clane Abbey. We examined artefacts she brought along including badger, wolf and fox sculls before taking a tour of the outside of the abbey and examining the artefacts in its grounds. We all learned so much from this visit.