Meet the Parents’ Association and Contact Us

  • All parents/ guardians of children attending Scoil Bhríde are automatically members of the Parents’ Association.
  • All parents are elected each year to Officer roles at the Annual General Meeting, held in September.
  • All officer roles are held by a parent for no more than 3 years.

Parents’ Association 2023-2024

Committee Members – Officers:

The elected members of the Parents’ Association for 2023-2024 are below. Each year members are re-elected at the Annual General Meeting held in September. If you would like to become a member of the Parents’ Association Committee, please speak to any member of the committee.

Committee Members Officers

  • Chairperson – Avril Dixon
  • Vice Chairperson – Open – TBC
  • Secretary – Ciara Carroll
  • Vice Secretary – Open – TBC
  • Treasurer – Sharon O’Rourke
  • Vice Treasurer – Leonie Wilson
  • Minutes Secretary – Paul Edwards
  • Vice Minutes Secretary – Open – TBC
  • Teachers’ Representative – Rachel Downes (2023/2024)

Committee Members

  • Avril Dixon
  • Ciara Carroll
  • Sharon O’Rourke
  • Leonie Wilson
  • Paul Edwards
  • Marina Jordan
  • Mags Lennon
  • Ailish Sheehan
  • Karen Graham
  • Caoimhe Gaine
  • Niamh Doolan
  • Cathy Nolan
  • Laura Faye
  • Shaunagh Lyster
  • Niamh Adams

Special Projects

  • Website Administrator – Marina Jordan
  • Yearbook Team – Marina Jordan