Active School’s Week

Next week we will be holding our ‘Active Schools Week’. The children are asked to wear their tracksuit to school everyday.  Friday is a pyjama day (organised by the Student Council)  but we are asking that the children wear their runners to school with their pyjamas.  There is no written homework next week. The children will be given ‘active homework’. 

Michael has outlined a 1km track around the school. We will use this to participate in the ‘Run around Ireland’ Active schools challenge. (Daily activity)

Each class will have a yoga session with Ms. Johnson or Ms. Young. 

Each class will have a dance class.

Each day the children will be shown a video clip of a challenge set by the staff of Scoil Bhríde. The children are encouraged to take up this challenge at home or in school. (Daily activity)

Friday we hope to have a ‘pyjama dance’ in the yard weather permitting. 

We are looking forward to the week ahead. Hopefully the weather will stay kind to us. 

Visit our Active School Page to learn more about all the activities in Scoil Bhríde