Garda Vetting
Anyone wishing to work in Scoil Bhríde (staff and volunteers) must complete the Garda Vetting process as described below:
- All teachers should be vetted through the Teaching Council.
- Ancillary Staff should be vetted through the Kildare and Leighlin Dioceses. This includes SNAs, Secretaries, Sports Coaches, Bus Escorts etc.
- Parents who wish to assist with accompanying children on school tours, coaching, class visits to the church/library/playground etc. also need to be Garda Vetted. This also applies to all members of the Parents’ Association Committee.
- The Vetting Invitation Form should be used for all vetting.
- Under 16’s cannot be vetted.
- Under 18’s, forms must be accompanied by a Parental Consent Form.
Note: Please include a photocopy of a Passport or Driving Licence and proof of address with all forms.
Completed forms should be submitted to the address shown at the top of the form.