Room 18 – Ms Digan










Here are some photos of playing during our first week in school. We enjoyed making new friends and playing with all the fun toys in our new classroom!








We are working very hard to improve our fine motor skills while doing activities that we enjoy!


We all brought in 5 things from home that were special to us and we shared these with our new classmates during a show and tell.  It helped us to make new friends and get to know each other. We realised that some of us are very similar and like the same things!!

We all decorated our Me Bags and placed our special things inside. Have a look at our fabulous creations below!

This week we read the story 'Owl Babies' and sequenced the events from the story. We loved Sarah and Percy, but Bill was definitely our favourite!

We have had so much fun exploring the theme of 'Home and Family' over the past two weeks during our Aistear playtime.










Poor Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall, but don't worry, we got some plasters and put him back together!

It's one of our favourite nursery rhymes so we stuck him on our classroom door!

We created out homes using lollipop sticks and drew our family inside!

We have been exploring the themes of Halloween and Autumn during our Aistear time. We have had lots of fun dressing up, making nests for our hedgehogs and constructing Autumn gardens!


During maths week we engaged in some fun maths activities in the school hall. We really enjoyed working with the 6th class girls and playing all their fun maths games!

Look at the fabulous Autumn art work we created using lots of different Autumnal colours. We have displayed our artwork on the school corridor for all the other classes to enjoy. We are very artistic here in Room 18!

We dressed up for Halloween and went on a spooky walk around the school with all the classes. When we came back to the classroom we made a smelly witches potion! We almost turned into frogs!!

We ended the day with a trip to the fairy garden.

We have been exploring the theme of 'The Birthday Party' during our Aistear time. We had lots of fun making birthday cards and celebrating different people's birthday. We even made rice crispie buns!!
On the last day we had a real birthday party and we played lots of fun party games! This was definitely one of our favourite themes so far!


Our next theme was 'The Doctor's Surgery'. We learned all about the equipment that doctor's use and we had lots of fun helping sick patients!

We made Elf Houses!

Santa came to visit!

Aistear - Elf Workshop

Say Cheese!

Christmas Art

We had a great time today at the school Christmas markets. The older classes created some fabulous stalls which we enjoyed. We bought lots of wonderful things!

Today, we visited the church in Clane with 6th class. We have been learning all about the birth of baby Jesus and it was so lovely to see the crib in the church. We sang our Christmas carol 'Baby Jesus We Love You' and Ms Carberry read us a lovely story.

We have been very busy preparing for the school's annual Christmas carol service. We choose two songs and a poem to learn and we practiced and practiced until our voices were sore!

After all our practicing, we performed for all the classes in the school hall. We were so confident and sang so beautifully. Ms Digan was so proud!

Have a look below for a short snippet of our pre-performance rehearsal in our classroom. We hope you enjoy.

Song Number 1 - I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas


Poem - A Chubby Snowman


Song Number 2 - Baby Jesus We Love You


We kicked off 2024 by learning all about the weather!

First we put on our weather binoculars and took a good look outside at the different weather we experience here in Clane each day!

Then, we made some fabulous weather clocks so we can record the different weather. Check them out below!!

Our next Aistear was 'The Restaurant'. We had so much fun in role as waitresses, chefs and customers. We all made menu's for our customers to enjoy. Our chefs were very busy in the kitchen creating fabulous meals.  Phew.... We only had a few grumpy customers!

At the art station we painted some  fruit bowls after being inspired by the famous artwork of Wayne Thiebaud. At the sand station we searched for buried treasure (food!) and made some delicious meals. Finally, in construction we build our dream restaurants!

Shhhh. Did someone say we have future county stars in Clane???

Every Thursday we have been learning camogie with our coach Brian. We put on our helmets and with our sliotars and hurleys in hand off we go!! Ms. Digan is so proud of us!

Today, we learned how to write the number 4! Using pegboards, playdough rainbow writing and our copies we practiced, practiced and practiced some more!

Room 18 turned into a shopping centre for the past two weeks and wow was it busy!

From managers and shop assistants to customers, it was a full time job engaging in this theme. Luckily there were lots of bargains to be enjoyed!!

We also enjoyed building shopping centres in the construction area.

We are having the best time learning how to play GAA with Brian. We love all the games and our skills are improving every week! Go us!



Today, all the junior infants were very lucky to have a zoom call with Anne from the DSPCA. We learned all about how to take care of animals and we even got to watch some videos of  hedgehogs! They were adorable.

Up next, The Vets! This theme was so much fun.

We had lots of very sick animals visit our vets in role play. Luckily we had some very experienced vets who were up for the task!

At our construction station we built vets and zoo's and enjoyed playing with all the animals.

At the water station we made sure to clean and care for all the animals.

We all became scientists today and did some investigating with magnets!
Our task was to find out which items were magnetic. We were so surprised that our classroom whiteboard, the legs of our desks and some of our hair clips were all magnetic.

What a fun day we had in school today. We all forgot to get dressed this morning and came to school in our pyjamas. We brought our teddies too!

We celebrated the Vietnamese New Year in school!

We were very lucky to have some gorgeous items associated with the Vietnamese new year which one of our friends kindly brought in. The artefacts were very delicate so we were super careful. As you can see we loved using the chopsticks!!

Look what we can do!! Our friend was the best teacher!!

We even did some Oragami. It was tricky at first but we got the hand of it. Check out our cats below!

What a yummy day we had in school today! Pancakes Galore!

Our next theme to explore was Construction. We have been looking forward to this theme for a while and it definitely lived up to our expectations.
Role Play: We became builders in our role play area. We set up a building site and were constructing new schools and roads for Clane.
Jigsaws/Games: The three little pigs game was so much fun during our games station. We all learned how to be patient and wait our turn. We also enjoyed working in pairs to construct some jigsaws.
Art/Junk Art: First, we created the three little pigs houses which were made out of straw, sticks and bricks! Then, we used some recyclable materials to construct houses/hotels/robots and lots of other creations. Check them out below.
Construction: Using all the different kinds of blocks and lego we re-constructed different parts of Clane such as the school and the church.

A fun valentines walk around the school followed by a fashion show in the classroom to show off our LOVEly pink and red clothes!

Lots of preparation went into practicing and preforming our Mother's Day show. All the mammy's really enjoyed watching the show and Ms Digan was super proud of us all. We are surprised we didn't win an Oscar!!

We think our mums are supermums! Here is why ....

A very important number for a lot of us so we put lots of effort into learning how to write it properly (While having fun of course!).

Wellbeing week is all about caring for our heads and our hearts. This week we took lots of time to do activities which made us happy. The theme of our wellbeing was 'friendship' so we made sure we were extra kind to our friends this week.

Yoga with Ms.Young


Chalk fun!

Jigsaws and games with our 6th class buddies!

We enjoyed a lovely spring walk in the fresh air today. We spotted lots of signs of spring!

What a fabulous few weeks we have had learning all about The Farm!

Lots of fun at our 4 Aistear stations.

Role Play - We acted as farmers and planted some sunflowers. We are having great fun watering them and watching them grow in our classroom.

Art - We created different farm animals using a range of craft materials.

Books - Did you know there are real authors in room 18! We published our very own books about the farm.

Small World - Using small figurines and animals we played farm on our farmers mat. We even built hay sheds and pig sty's!

Did you know that you can make butter if you just shake and shake and shake some more!! Well that's exactly what we did today!

First, we learned about a piece of equipment called a churn which people used to use years ago to make butter.

Then we put some cream in a jar and took it in turns to shake!! We were so impressed with our butter.

Our lovely 6th class buddies came too show us how to use Bee-Bots. We had so much fun. Thank you 6th class!!

We explored the story of the Little Red Hen. We loved the story so much that we decided to become the Little Red Hen and bake some bread.

It was delicious!

We have been exploring our five senses. We decided to carry out a taste test to experiment with our different taste buds. We tried crackers, lemons and jelly babies!

We had so much fun with our 6th class buddies! They showed us how to play phonics games on the ipads and they read us lots of picture books. We enjoyed it so much!

Our Aistear theme for the past few weeks has been 'The Farmer's Market'.

We have been using real vegetables during our role play station and instead of wasting them we decided to do some vegetable printing!

Look at our wonderful creations below!

Today we brought our bikes and scooters to school. The active school leaders and Ms. Flanagan's 5th class set up lots of activities for us to practice steering, balancing and stopping. Ms Digan was so impressed with our skills!

We went on our very first school tour to Lullymore Heritage Park. We had a fantastic day!

Getting on the bus. As you can see we were so excited!

First stop, the playground!

We stopped for a snack to re-charge before we had some more fun!

Next up, the pet farm! Our favourite animals were the goats because we liked their names - Ronaldo and Messi!!

All aboard the train! We invented a new song 'Wheels on the train' and sang it all the way around!

Then we saw a hedge school! We thought it would be fun to have school outside but only when it wasn't raining!

Next up, The Fairy Garden! Some of us even spotted some fairies. We made a wish around the wishing tree. Hopefully our wishes come true some day!

Finally, the playcentre! Up and down and all around we went!

We all had a fantastic day in Lullymore. Some of us even fell asleep in the bus on the way home!! Shhhhh